Mixing Cleaning Products Can Become Toxic
3/22/2022 (Permalink)
National Poison Prevention Week raises awareness of poison prevention nationwide during the third full week of March every year. The week is an opportunity to highlight the dangers of poisonings for people of all ages and promote community involvement in poisoning prevention. A poison exposure can occur when a person swallows, breathes, touches, or gets splashed in the eye or face with something that can cause sickness or death.
It is that time of year that you begin “Spring Cleaning,” make sure that you never mix the following chemicals together:
Ammonia and Bleach: Combining these together can create toxic vapors which can lead to throat burns or respiratory problems.
Vinegar and Bleach: Combining these together can release toxic chlorine and chloramine vapors that can cause chemical burns to your lungs or eyes.
Hydrogen Peroxide and Vinegar: Combining these together can create peracetic acid or corrosive acid which in high concentrations, can harm your skin, eyes, throat, nose, and lungs.
Rubbing Alcohol and Bleach: Combining these together makes chloroform. If exposed to this, you may become dizzy or sick. High levels can lead to damage to your eyes, nervous system, lungs, skin, liver kidneys or can even cause death.
If you think someone has been exposed to a poison from household chemicals, the best thing to do is remain calm. Not all such items are poisonous. Poisoning is a matter of dosage — too much of anything can be dangerous. The next step is contacting a Poison Control Center at 800-222-1222, which works from anywhere in the United States. Nurses, pharmacists, and physicians staff these centers 24/7. If you are unable to contact the center, call a local emergency number.
Being prepared is the best defense. Keep the cleaning products in the original containers with the original labels, follow all instructions indicated by the manufacturer and keep all cleaning products out of reach from children. For more information, go to https://poisonprevention.org/materials.htm.
Please call SERVPRO of South & East Stark County for all your cleaning needs. We are always here to help and provide safe and professional service at 330-497-4600.